
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

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Il mio libro

Il mio libro, in collaborazione con Morris Sonnino

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

giovedì 13 novembre 2014

Who shames the memory of our dead soldiers in Nasiriyah is a traitor!

Dear friends,

Yesterday we commemorated our soldiers died in Nasiriyah.

The article I wrote has received these two comments:

" How to bring peace to those who are allied with those who brought war? Also: what is the difference between an act of war and acts of terrorism? You do what ever reason you are taking and are Hence the weak point of your general way to proceed: by doing it, you might as well assume that the dummies flying. It takes motivation pacifier my dear, motivations! Otherwise, what you write is rubbish and nothing else. But most unworthy for you personally is that not only provides justification, but limits you to report uncritically assimilating and conclusions of power, showing that they are completely devoid of the ability of independent judgment. I mean, you're the perfect servant of power. And now you censor me : you know that cornered put your head in the sand. Our soldiers are remembered for what they are: victims of war. War is not a terrorist. It's war, not peace missions! In fact, the war there 'They took our allies (which excludes the peacekeeping missions). And the victims are not soldiers and civilians (which excludes the terrorist act). That's what it means to use one's head, on the one hand, and the reasons for taking on the other. GOAT! ".

In addition to being illiterate, who wrote these words is unworthy of being called Italian.
Indeed, he is a traitor.
Those of our soldiers went to Iraq to put things in order.
They did not participate in military operations (which actively participated in only the Americans and the British) but they made logistics operations.
In practice, they were escorting those who wore medicines and foodstuffs,
According to the "mister" who wrote these comments, those who have brought relief would have to go to Iraq without escort and without protection.
Also, I prefer to be an ally of the Americans who do not terrorists.
Actually, here in Italy there are people who are full of hate ideology.
It says "peace" but really hates the rule and authority, except in cases where they are to govern.
These people betray the ideals of our country in the name of an abstract pacifism.
For these people, for example, if Italy was under attack, we should go and bring flowers, tea and biscuits to our enemies while the latter would be ready to shoot.
Not even the Catholic Church admits this.
Best regards.

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Destre unite per cambiare l'Europa, il progetto riuscirà?

Ringrazio l'amico Morris Sonnino di questa immagine presa dalla pagina Facebook di Fratelli d'Italia.