
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

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Il mio libro

Il mio libro, in collaborazione con Morris Sonnino

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

giovedì 20 novembre 2014

Candice Bergen, MP of Conservative Party of Canada: "What does a leader do?".

Dear friends,

this is a message that the Member of Parliament Candice Bergen has sent to us, supporters of Conservative Party of Canada:


Being Prime Minister is a serious job that requires strong leadership.

When the stakes are high, we need to know we have a dependable, serious leader.

While Prime Minister Harper was getting things done on the world stage, protecting Canada from a fragile global economy, let's look at what Justin Trudeau was up to:
While PM Harper was addressing the United Nations General Assembly ... Justin Trudeau was giving a feature interview to Chatelaine for an article that lovingly described his ‘impeccable khakis and blue windowpane shirt.’
While PM Harper was brokering new trade deals in Asia ... Justin Trudeau was out promoting his new book - a 331-page version of his “unique journey” through life.
While PM Harper was in New Zealand promoting Canada’s trade relationship in the Asia-Pacific region ... Justin Trudeau was preparing for the debut of his fluff piece in U.S. magazine Vanity Fair(spoiler alert: the interview refers to him as being news ‘since conception.’)
While PM Harper was announcing new tax breaks for hard-working Canadian families, saving families over $1,100 more every year ... Justin Trudeau was criticizing them, and promising to claw them back.

When you compare the actions of Justin Trudeau and Prime Minister Harper side-by-side, the difference is stark: Justin Trudeau is not up to the serious job of being Prime Minister.

Show your support for the strong, dependable leadership Stephen Harper has shown as Prime Minister with a $25 donation today.

You and I both know that Canadians are better off with Prime Minister Harper. He is guiding our recovery from a global recession, with over 1.2 million new jobs and putting over $27 billion back in to the pockets of Canadian families. He is showing strong leadership in a dangerous world – both on Russian aggression in Ukraine and fighting ISIL.

Justin Trudeau? He’s shown no grasp of the difficult work that a Prime Minister does.

Chip in $25 to help us keep Canada on the right track with Prime Minister Harper.


Candice Bergen
MP, Portage-Lisgar".

I totally agree.
I loved the Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who, after the attack there was in Ottawa (attack in which Nathan Cirillo died), he reconstructed the situation with a cool head.
Do not There were demonstrations of hysteria and Harper has been very good to avoid them.
If such a thing had happened here in Italy, the prime minister, Matteo Renzi, there would be chaos.
A leader, in fact, knows how to keep calm in difficult situations.
In fact, if he is calm is also calm the people.
A leader must also know "to balance between pursuit of popularity (which is legitimate, since a leader must also be popular) and also have to make unpopular decisions for the good the fact that he administers. "
Harper is succeeding in this.

Io sono perfettamente d'accordo.
Mi è piaciuto molto il premier canadese Stephen Harper, il quale, dopo l'attentato che c'è stato ad Ottawa (attentato in cui è morto Nathan Cirillo), ha ricomposto la situazione con sangue freddo.
Non ci sono state manifestazioni di isteria ed Harper è stato bravissimo ad evitarle.
Se una cosa del genere fosse accaduta qui in Italia, con il premier Matteo Renzi, ci sarebbe stato il caos.
Un leader, infatti, sa mantenere la calma in situazioni difficili.
Infatti, se egli è calmo è calmo anche il popolo.
Un leader deve anche sapere "stare in equilibrio tra ricerca della popolarità (che è cosa legittima, poiché un leader deve essere anche popolare) e il dovere fare anche delle scelte impopolari per il bene della realtà che egli amministra".
Harper sta riuscendo in questo.
Cordiali saluti.

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Liberiamo l'Europa dall'ideologia "Green"

Ringrazio l'amico Morris Sonnino di questa foto presa dalla pagina Facebook di Christian Ricchiuti, esponente di Fratelli d'Italia.