
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

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Visualizzazione post con etichetta Canada. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Canada. Mostra tutti i post

martedì 22 febbraio 2022

Si attacca tanto Putin ma...

Dopo 22 giorni le proteste in camion del Free Convoy che ci sono state ad Ottawa, capitale del Canada, sono state trattate con metodi repressivi. 

martedì 8 febbraio 2022

Freedom Convoy, the government imposes restrictions but the protest spreads


As reported in an article by Fabrizio Baldi in "Atlantico Quotidiano", the protest is spreading in Canada.This is an excerpt from the article: 

 "The protests against vaccination obligations in Canada do not stop. More than a week after their arrival in downtown Ottawa, the Freedom Convoy truckers and their supporters have kept their word and are still permanently camped at Parliament. Hill, where the Canadian Parliament is based. The authorities, however, seem willing to end the protest, so much so that the mayor of Ottawa has declared a state of emergency. Rather than a head-on collision, the strategy seems to focus on targeted interventions to weaken the resistance of the demonstrators: obsessive control of documents and insurance of truckers, some arrests to lead by example (there was talk of unspecified damage to private property), and above all blows to the supply chain, with the removal of a structure where fuel cans were crammed ". 

However, the protest does not appear to have subsided. In fact, the protest has spread. In other cities, such as Vancouver, there are discontent and outbreaks of protest. In Windsor, Ontario and on the border with the United States of America, a group of protesters blocked the bridge connecting the Canadian city to the American city of Detroit. Perhaps, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau would do well to give in. When the people get angry they risk uncontrollable situations. 

Politics could do one simple thing: hold a referendum with which to make the Canadian people decide on the issue of mandatory vaccination. 

In democracy, the people rule. If Trudeau were a brave man and were sure of the consent of the people towards both politics, given the situation, he would put the question to a vote. The Anglo-Saxon culture is that of individual law that comes before the collectivity. Individual law is a cornerstone of a liberal democracy. 

On the contrary, when individual law is trampled on, we go towards collectivism, which is typical of certain regimes, such as that of the mustache of Braunau, that of the man from Predappio, that of the Soviet Georgian mustache, that of the man who shot the people asking for bread in Transylvania or that of the Chinese swimmer. This is the fact.

Freedom Convoy, il Governo fa restrizioni ma la protesta si allarga

Come riporta un articolo di Fabrizio Baldi su "Atlantico Quotidiano", in Canada la protesta si allarga.

lunedì 1 luglio 2019

martedì 5 marzo 2019

Canada, Trudeau si deve dimettere!

Ringrazio l'amica e socia Stephanie Caracciolo del video sul canale Youtube di "True Liberty" che parla del premier canadese Justin Trudeau e dello scandalo SNC-LAVALIN che lo vede coinvolto.

giovedì 8 marzo 2018

Il debito alto del Canada

Ringrazio l'amica e socia Stephanie Caracciolo del video che potrete trovare su Youtube e che è stato pubblicato sul canale di "The Money GPS".

venerdì 23 febbraio 2018


Ringrazio l'amico e collaboratore Angelo Fazio di questo frammento preso da  "Canada. Il sostegno di Trudeau agli islamisti", uno studio realizzato da Tom Quiggin, ex ufficiale dell'intelligence militare ed ex intelligence contractor della Royal Canadian Mounted Police, nonché esperto di terrorismo jihadista nei tribunali federali e penali del Canada. Da Gatestone Institute:


Il peggio della politica continua ad essere presente

Ringrazio un caro amico di questa foto.