
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

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Il mio libro, in collaborazione con Morris Sonnino

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Il mio libro

Il mio libro

venerdì 21 novembre 2014

Obama's America? It's an America poor and insecure!

Dear friends,

my friend and co-worker Stephanie Caracciolo Arriera Tamagno brought me to the attention of this video Dinesh D 'Souza and Glenn Beck on GBTV.
Thank you Stephanie.
The video is of the " Americans Not Wanted "
Barack Hussein Obama is a man of the left.
This thing may or may not like but it is.
From time immemorial the culture of poverty left door.
In fact, in the name the "principle of equality" (which advocates the left) is tipped to level everything.
To the left, everyone must be "equal."
This "equality" is actually a poverty.
In the culture of the left, is the state welfare policies.
To further this welfare state, the state raises taxes.
Thus, entrepreneurs run away (because taxes are higher) and the poor people remain out of work.
Here in Italy (where there is a left-wing prime minister, Matteo Renzi) occurs exactly this.
The last thing shameful made ​​by the government headed by Renzi is to pay the fees of the RAI (state television) through the electricity bill (as they are all forced to pay for it, even if they do not look RAI ) and (hear hear) the fee money will be used to fund the "Social Card" to immigrants.
In short, the immigrants (mostly clandestine welcomed here by us) live on our shoulders.
The idea of opening without ifs and buts immigration, without considering the consequences, it is typically left.
Renzi and Obama feel the same way.
Both the Democrats and Obama is many members of the Italian left (Democratic Party) are in favor of building new mosques without taking account of risks due to terrorism.
To Americans would give this advice: " For your sake, in two years, given eviction Obama and vote for a Republican . "
Moreover, it also seems that Obama is a crypto-Muslim.
Do not you know if this is true but for sure, given (for example) its openness to Palestine, Obama has some sympathy for the Arab and Muslim world.
The change to America.

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AstraZeneca ha ritirato il suo vaccino anti-Covid

Ringrazio l'amico Morris Sonnino di questo screemshot de "Il Corriere della Sera".