
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

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Il mio libro

lunedì 29 ottobre 2012

PETITION: Tell World Leaders to End Gendercide in China

Cari amici ed amiche.

L'amica Francesca Padovese mi ha fatto pervenire una petizione attraverso Facebook.

Essa ha questo testo:

"To: The President of the United States, UN Secretary General, Leaders of the European Parliament, The General Secretary of the Communist Party of China
I urge you to take action to end forced abortion and gendercide, currently occurring in China because of the coercive enforcement of the One Child Policy.

The enforcement of the One Child Policy in China has resulted in millions of girls going “missing.” Because male children are preferred, families are abandoning, aborting or hiding girl children to use their one option for a child on a boy. There are now 37 million more men than women in China, which has led to an increase in sex trafficking, child brides and prostitution.

Under the One Child Policy, authorities often use forced abortion or forced sterilization against women as a brutal means of enforcing the policy’s restrictive birth limits.

I ask you to commit to helping end the forced abortion, forced sterilization and coercive family planning occurring under the One Child Policy. I also ask you to speak out against the cultural preferences for male children. These are the most crucial steps that can be taken to end China's gendercide.".

Com'è noto, il Partito comunista cinese fa una politica pro-aborto.
Ogni anno vengono uccisi molti neonati, specie se sono femmine.
Fanno questo "in nome del controllo demografico".
Pertanto, firmate in tanti la petizione, seguendo il link
Fermiamo questo crimine!
Cordiali saluti.

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