
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

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Il mio libro, in collaborazione con Morris Sonnino

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Il mio libro

Il mio libro

domenica 24 novembre 2013

Obama sta favorendo il nucleare iraniano?

Cari amici ed amiche.

Leggete questi due messaggi che mi sono arrivati dal sito del "Grand Old Party":

"Antonio Gabriele,

Democrats are now ramming through their socialist-style agenda.

As Chairman Priebus alerted you yesterday, Senator Reid -- with President Obama's support - used the "nuclear" option and blew up Senate rules that have been in place since our Nation’s founding era. They are now putting through liberal judges and government appointees that Republican Senators have been blocking.

We must take back the Senate.

Make your $14 donation now and join us in stopping their radical agenda.- Mike.

Antonio Gabriele,

The Democrats just went nuclear.

Moments ago, Harry Reid announced that he plans to change Senate rules that will enable liberals to force through Barack Obama's dream agenda.

This plan has been called the "nuclear option," because it changes the way government officials are appointed and alters the rules that have been in place since our Nation's early days.

Obama and Reid going nuclear will enable them to appoint people in government long past Obama's Presidency -- carrying out their socialist-style agenda for decades to come.

This is a massive power grab by Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Washington Liberals.

They have taken control of America's health care with disastrous consequences. We can't let them take over many of America's most important courts and administrative positions.

Democrats have gone too far -- and we must fight back.

Contribute today to stop Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Washington Liberals' desperate power grab



Che l'Iran voglia armarsi con il nucleare è cosa nota.
Se fosse seria, l'amministrazione di Barack Hussein Obama starebbe attenta ed impedirebbe ad uno Stato che vuole creare problemi di armarsi con le armi nucleari.
Invece, in "nome della pace", Obama non sta facendo nulla!
Ad Obama vorrei dire che, se crede di avere la pace in questo modo, sta commettendo un grave errore e noi tutti potremmo pagare un caro prezzo.
Cordiali saluti.

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