
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

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Il mio libro, in collaborazione con Morris Sonnino

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Il mio libro

Il mio libro

martedì 7 marzo 2017

Hacksaw Ridge, an example of heroism

Dear friends,

I thank my friend  Francesca Padovese who pointed me to Mel Gibson's film "Hacksaw Ridge".

The film takes the true story of Desmond Doss (1919-2006).
Desmond Doss was a young American of Lynchburg which must have had something to do with the war.
He was drafted for World War II but ne became conscientious objection and he refused to take up arms as a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Assigned to the 77th Infantry Division, Desmond Doss became medical officer.
He worked in the island of Okinawa and saved 75 people at once.
Desmond Doss was an example of heroism.
While refusing to take up arms, he was not a pacifist.
For this, he was awarded the Medal of Honor.
He participated in the war and saved many lives.
His life is an example for all of us.
Best regards.

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