
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

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Il mio libro

Il mio libro, in collaborazione con Morris Sonnino

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

giovedì 23 marzo 2017

They are not insane!

Dear friends,

the italian newspaper "Italia-Israele Today", there is an article by Gianpaolo Santoro that is titled " London, the Parliament attack Blood still blood in the name of" Allahu Akbar " ."

View the, carry this excerpt:

" Blood, more blood. When it ends, if it ever end? Still Isis, even Islamic extremism, yet straight to the heart of old Europe, in London who has his Muslim mayor. They were stopped at a step away from Westminster, the cradle of democracy.

a fool, a useless fool, with a knife, rather than an attack an affront to all of us, the West whole. by now no longer even military strikes, actions prepared with care, death commandos, are lone wolves ready to bite with rage, malice, with hatred. with faith.

Yes, because they say they have a faith. a police officer was stabbed in the courtyard of Parliament, shortly after the terrorist was killed. But was this death.

But it was not enough scarring, not enough for a victim, there had to be blood, lots of pain, had to leave a trail of terror and fear, because they know only the blood
. ".

Now, I express an opinion.
Adolf Hitler was a madman or a criminal?
I feel the answer that he was in effect a criminal.
A fool would not masterminding the killing of more than six million people, including Jews, homosexuals, gypsies, priests and others.
He built everything consciously, with a criminal lucidity, following his "Mein Kampf".
The Islamic terrorists, like the one in London yesterday did what havoc, do these things with clarity.
They know what they are doing and they do it with a will to do so, following the Koranic doctrine that provides for the repeal.
In the Qur'an, in fact, there are the Meccan suras, prepare those made by Muhammad in the first period in Mecca, which are peaceful, and Medina suras, those made later draw in Medina, which are instead of war.
The latter, in fact, have repealed or overshadowed the first.
The Muslim theologian Muhammad Taha (1909 or 1911 to 1985) tried to reform Islam, trying to separate the two parts of the Koran and giving more importance to the Meccan suras.
He ended up sentenced to death for "heresy."
Moreover, Islam lacks the exegesis, which instead is present in Judaism and Christianity.
The problem we have is very serious.
Best regards.

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