
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

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Il mio libro, in collaborazione con Morris Sonnino

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

domenica 22 gennaio 2017

Remember Jan Palach!

Dear friends and girlfriends,

January 19, 1969, Jan Palach committed suicide.

Who was Jan Palach?
Jan Palach was a young Czechoslovakian Prague, where she was in college. He was an evangelical Christian (I remember this because in this period the Roman Catholic Church, to which I belong, is the Week of Prayer for the Unity of Christians) and he was a young man who loved life and freedom.
Unfortunately, freedom was not in his country, the then Czechoslovakia.
In fact, Czechoslovakia was ruled by communist allies of the Soviet Union regime.
As an extreme act, in that January 19, 1969, Palach set himself on fire and died. He had not yet turned 20.
Now, as a Roman Catholic, I consider suicide a sin.
However, in this case, suicide could not be considered a sin but a real martyrdom.
For the freedom of his people, Jan Palach sacrificed his life.
Some sick head will compare what they do "Palestinian" terrorists to the act of Palach.
This comparison is improper and wrong.
Palach did not hurt anyone. The "Palestinians" terrorists kill innocent people.
He sacrificed himself for the freedom of his people.
What he did remember a little what they did the seven brothers Maccabees or the Jews at Masada or women of Nicosia (Cyprus), which in 1570 chose to commit suicide rather than live as slaves by the Ottoman Turks.
Convinced Christian, Palach did not want to live in a country that denied the freedom to believe in God.
You can believe or not in God but can not be imposed not to believe in God to a believer.
Christians today must be witnesses.
This age needs witnesses.
Palach was a witness.
Thanks to strong testimonies like that of Palach, today, I am what I am.
Best regards.

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