
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

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Il mio libro

Il mio libro

mercoledì 5 febbraio 2014

ONU, un attacco vergognoso!

Cari amici ed amiche.

L'amica Francesca Padovese mi ha inoltrato questo testo:


February 5, 2014

Dear Friend,

I am hopping mad.

Today a UN committee directed the Catholic Church to let children have sex and also to change Church teaching on contraception.

The Committee also directed the Church to change its teaching on abortion and to let kids have abortions.

The Committee also told the Church that its comments on homosexuality has caused violence against homosexuals.

This alarming and even disgusting report was issued today by an out of control UN committee after grilling the Church for eight hours last month.

This is not the only recent attack on the Church at the UN. The awful baby-killing group "Catholics" for Choice has relaunched their global campaign to kick the Vatican out of the UN General Assembly. They want to reduce the Church to no more than an NGO (non-governmental organization).

I am also told that a delegate from Norway regularly complains in UN meetings that the Holy See has a seat at the table.

These attacks have to stop. We must act.

You often ask me what you can do. Well, here is what you can and must do right now.

We have launched a global Campaign in Defense of the Holy See at the UN.

urge you to go to right now and sign the Declaration in Support of the Holy See.

You can sign as an individual and if you run an organization, you can sign as an organization.

We aim to get hundreds of thousands of names and present them to the UN and also to the Holy See in New York, Geneva and Rome.

This will be an enormous effort but desperately needed.

If you are Cathoilc, sign! If you are Evangelical, sign! If you are Jewish, sign. Muslim, sign!

The Church represents all people of good will at the UN. If the Church was not there, abortion would now be a human right in UN documents. The family would be redefined. Religious freedom would come under further attack.

Now is the time to come to the aid of the Catholic Church.

I ask you to go to and sign the Declaration and I ask you to send this letter to all of your family and friends. I ask you to begin campaigns to get as many people to sign this as possible.

We can do something big if we all work together.

Go now. Do it now.

Yours sincerely,

Austin Ruse
Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute

L'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite (ONU) ha attaccato la Santa Sede e Santa Romana Chiesa.
In pratica, secondo il rapporto dell'ONU, il Vaticano avrebbe permesso gli abusi ai danni di minori.
Inoltre, l'ONU ha attaccato la Chiesa cattolica anche per le sue posizioni in merito all'aborto, alla contraccezione ed ai matrimoni gay.
Io trovo che questo attacco dell'ONU sia vergognoso,  ideologico e fondato sul pregiudizio stupido di certe lobbies anticattoliche.
All'ONU, per esempio, non interessa nulla dei cristiani perseguitati.
All'ONU non interessa nulla del bene che fa la Chiesa cattolica nel mondo.
Invece, all'ONU interessano le questioni dottrinali della Chiesa, arrogandosi il diritto di giudicare i dogmi della Chiesa e pretendendo di insegnare ai preti a fare il loro mestiere.
Inoltre, la Chiesa combatte la pedofilia di quei pessimi sacerdoti che la praticano.
Però, io trovo vergognoso che, per esempio, l'ONU taccia sulla questione delle spose bambine nei Paesi islamici.
E' uno schifo!
Cordiali saluti. 

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