
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

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Il mio libro, in collaborazione con Morris Sonnino

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Il mio libro

venerdì 28 febbraio 2014

Critical deadline tomorrow!

Cari amici ed amiche.

Dal Grand Old Party americano mi è arrivato questo messaggio:"Antonio Gabriele,

There are only a few hours left until the critical February FEC fundraising deadline.

We are now $28,000 short of our online goal and need your urgent contribution before midnight tomorrow.

President Obama and Harry Reid know that taking back the Senate is within our reach, and they are throwing everything they can on keeping their power in the Senate.

Just a few days ago, President Obama announced that he will host 18 fundraisers for Democrats across the country.

This month, the DNC introduced their field and technology program to compete against ours. And House Democrats just sent an email to their liberal army begging for $80,000 in donations so they can blast targeted districts with ads against our conservative candidates.

The Democrats are determined to outraise and outspend us this month. We cannot let them.

I need to know right now if you're committed to beating the Democrats in fundraising this month.

It is critical we hit our fundraising goal so we can continue to make unprecedented investments in our massive voter contact program and the needed technology upgrades that our candidates need to win this year.

Your contribution before tomorrow's deadline will help the GOP stop the Obama liberal agenda, bring back a conservative majority in the Senate and expand our majority in the House.

There's not much time left to outraise Obama and the Democrats this month.

Donate $14 right now to help us defeat Obama and the Democrats.


Mike Shields
RNC Chief of Staff

Il Grand Old Party vuole mandare a casa Barack Hussein Obama.
Quello che Obama sta facendo rischia di mandare in vacca gli interi Stati Uniti d'America.
Per questo, il Grand Old Party ha iniziato una campagna per potere avere sostegni e dare agli Stati Uniti d'America la possibilità di cambiare passo.
Cordiali salui. 

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