
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

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Il mio libro, in collaborazione con Morris Sonnino

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

sabato 22 febbraio 2014

Opportunità in Canada

Cari amici ed amiche.

Dal Conservative Party of Canada mi è arrivato questo messaggio:"Friend,

Are you a Conservative Party member with great people skills, a strong work ethic and campaign experience? Are you concerned with Justin Trudeau’s lack of judgement and experience?

Join our Conservative Political Operations Team today!

Consider applying for the following positions with the Conservative Party of Canada (we are looking to hire as soon as possible!):

Political Operations Officer (3 positions available)

This role is based at our National Headquarters in Ottawa. Headquarters is a fast-paced environment and you will be responsible for working with Conservative MPs, EDAs, campaigns, and Regional Organizers to ensure they are ready to fight and win the next campaign. Strong political reflexes, strong organisational skills and a commitment to make our great country even stronger, better, and more united are an absolute must. The hours may be long, but the end result will be rewarding.

Regional Organizer – Eastern and Northern Ontario

Our Regional Organizers are working in the field laying the groundwork to win the next election and connecting Electoral District Associations and National Headquarters. Travelling, meeting people, attending EDA meetings, assisting with local nominations, candidate recruitment and above all election preparations will be part of your daily activities. Since you are often the first point of contact when a campaign or EDA has a question or needs advice, people skills, and political experience are a must.

Salary for these positions will be commensurate with experience.

Please submit a resume with cover letter to as soon as possible if you are interested in either of these positions. Be sure to include information about any campaigns that you have worked on in the past

Il Conservative Party of Canada ha una ricetta molto semplice: meno Stato, meno burocrazia, meno spesa pubblica, meno tasse e più consumi.
E' la tipica ricetta proposta dai grandi governi che hanno fatto (e che fanno) una politica economica di mercato, come il Governo britannico di Margaret Thatcher o quello americano di Ronald Reagan. 
Il Liberal Party of Canada ed il suo leader Justin Trudeau (un cognome che ricorda quello dell'ispettore Andrew Trudeau, il personaggio della serie TV "Charmed", che era impersonato dall'attore T.W. King) cosa propone?
Propone più più Stato?
Se propone più Stato, vuole dire che propone anche più spesa pubblica e più tasse, cosa che c'è qui in Italia.
In quel caso, mi verrebbe da dire: "Poveri canadesi!".
Cordiali saluti. 

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