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mercoledì 17 settembre 2014

CPC, Fred DeLorey: "They are making excuses"

Fred DeLorey, Conservative Party of Canada
Dear friends,

read this message that Fred DeLorey (Conservative Party of Canada) has sent to me:


Our Prime Minister gave a speech that Canadians can be proud of yesterday. He spoke about Canada's place in the world, and how we're dealing with threats of terrorism abroad.

But Justin Trudeau's Liberals don't like our view on terrorists — especially those committing barbaric acts on behalf of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

Liberal MP Ted Hsu attacked us for calling terrorists "dangerous". He said Liberals "see a light and beauty in the potential of every person."

He even defended his comments, saying the terrorist responsible for beheading innocent civilians has "the potential of realizing and telling everybody what he did was wrong!"

This isn't just the typical soft-on-crime approach we always see from the Liberals. They are actually making excuses for terrorists.

What’s worse, is that it’s becoming a pattern.

Recall that Justin Trudeau said that the Boston Marathon bombers committed their horrific acts because they "felt excluded".

He said we needed to examine the “root causes” of terrorism, and suggested that dual citizens who commit terrorist attacks should not lose their Canadian citizenship.

It seems that now his MPs are following his lead.

This isn't just wrong, it's ignorant. And it’s this ignorance that we’re going to be up against in next year’s election.

Tell Justin Trudeau there's no "light and beauty" in terrorism — it's a real threat. Help us deliver this message – chip in $5 or whatever you can afford, right now.


Fred DeLorey
Director, Political Operations
Conservative Party of Canada

We say "enough" to these progressives (as liberals of Canada) do not want to admit that terrorists do exist and are a danger to everyone. Liberals that is ignorance of the real world situation. Sincerely.


Diciamo "basta" a questi progressisti che (come i liberali canadesi) non vogliono ammettere che i terroristi esistono e sono un pericolo per tutti.
Quella dei liberali è ignoranza della reale situazione mondiale.
Cordiali saluti.

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