
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

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Il mio libro

Il mio libro, in collaborazione con Morris Sonnino

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

venerdì 20 marzo 2015

This is a clash of civilizations!

Dear friends,

I make my own the words of his friend and partner in this blog Morris Sonnino:

" Charlie Ebdo, Tunisia. will be enough to open the eyes to the Pope and to the left gauche-caviar with left heart and wallet in your pocket right now that the war against Islamic fundamentalism, is not limited only to the US and Israel, but concerns the entire Western civilization? Apparently not. In the homilies of the Pope, as well as in the public condemnations of the Statesmen of half the world, it just continues to refer to generic "acts of terrorism". It continues to omit, that victims of the attacks, are killed in the name of Allah, and for the purpose of imposing Islamic law (Sharia) not only to the Western world, but also to the United Arab modern evolved. When the left, one will notice, it will be only when people dressed in black, having captured a pacifinto with rainbow flag, will make him wear pajamas orange, then cut off his head. Or, when they will blow up, public spaces. Maybe then begin to understand.Maybe .. "

These words are paired with what newspapers reported, as the italian newspaper "Il Giornale" who wrote an article titled " Victim Italian as a trophy, the Isis: "Crushed crusader" . " On Twitter, ISIS terrorists have insulted Francesco Caldara, one of the victims of the terrorist attack that there was in Tunis. Now, we must take note of the fact that Islam has declared war on us. Islam has declared war first of all to we Westerners and Israel, and in the alternative to those moderate Muslims sincerely believe that the fanatics "traitors." We want to put this on his head and recognize the reality of the facts?The left, with the Democratic Party in the first place, does not want to admit this, but this is the truth. Those we have declared war. Why is he so afraid to admit that Islam has declared war? For them, our lands are "dar al-harb," war zone. They want to reduce us to the state of dhimmi. Certainly, it is true that even genuinely moderate Muslims (who certainly are) are a target of those fanatics. In Islam there is no religious hierarchy that interprets the Quran unequivocally and that moderate some respects. But , for them the main objective is us. Sincerely.

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Liberiamo l'Europa dall'ideologia "Green"

Ringrazio l'amico Morris Sonnino di questa foto presa dalla pagina Facebook di Christian Ricchiuti, esponente di Fratelli d'Italia.