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Il mio libro, in collaborazione con Morris Sonnino

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venerdì 16 gennaio 2015

CPC, Gary Goodyear: "My week"

Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada

Dear friends,

please read this message that the member of canadian Parliament Gary Goodyear has sent to us, supporters of Conservative Party of Canada:


I love holding pre-budget consultation meetings. They give me the opportunity to talk with Canadians about the issues they’re facing and what’s coming in this year’s budget.

I recently held such meetings in Orillia, Waterloo, Oakville, Mississauga, York, and Toronto where I spent a lot of time talking about our new Canada Apprentice Loan Program.

Check out a great piece by my colleague Kerry-Lynne Findlay on that program here.

What am I hearing? People are interested in good, well-paying jobs. Parents want their kids to find and keep a good job. Young people want a job they can turn into a career.

Many of people I spoke with have considered the skilled trades, but getting the training can be an obstacle -- not everyone can afford to take time away from work to become an apprentice.

The Apprentice Loan Program will help more than 26,000 people each year with loans of up to $4,000/period of technical training. These loans will be interest-free until the recipient completes or leaves their training program.

I’m proud to be part of this Conservative government that is opening access to good, well-paying jobs for Canadians.

Read Minister Findlay’s article, and let me know that you support this important new program.

Thank you,

Gary Goodyear
MP, Cambridge – North Dumfries

This work plan of the Canadian government is certainly better than the "Jobs Act" much-vaunted by our Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.
The "Jobs Act" of Renzi is only a written document but without good content.
The plan of the Canadian government, however, has serious content.
For example, the Canadian government will invest well over $ 100 million to support apprenticeships for young people, a means to enter the practical world of work.
Renzi learn from Harper.
Kind regards


Questo piano lavoro del governo canadese è sicuramente migliore del "Jobs Act" tanto sbandierato dal nostro premier Matteo Renzi.
Il "Jobs Act" di Renzi è solo un documento scritto bene ma senza contenuti.
Il piano del governo canadese, invece, ha dei contenuti seri.
Per esempio, il governo canadese investirà ben più di 100.000.000 $ per favorire l'apprendistato dei giovani, un mezzo per entrare concretamente nel mondo del lavoro.
Renzi impari da Harper.
Cordiali saluti. 

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