
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

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Il mio libro

mercoledì 23 aprile 2014

The Middle Class

Dear frends and girlfriends:

The Conservative Party of Canada sent me this message:


Have you heard the good news?

According to a major new study conducted by the New York Times, Canada now has the richest middle class in the world. You can see the study for yourself here.

It shows that middle class incomes have increased faster in Canada than anywhere else in the developed world.

For the first time in history, Canadian middle class families are better off than those in the United States.

That's thanks in large part to our government's strong economic management, and to our historic tax cuts which have reduced the federal tax burden to its lowest level in fifty years.

Contrast our record of higher incomes and lower taxes to Justin Trudeau, who can't even define the middle class. He recently said that the "people who live off their incomes are the middle class, and those who live off their assets are not." In other words, people who make multi-million dollar salaries are part of Justin Trudeau's "middle class," but seniors living off of their modest savings are not.

This matters, because Justin Trudeau is demanding reckless new spending to be paid for through higher taxes and a return to big deficits. Exactly the policies that would shrink the middle class.

With a fragile global economy, Canada needs strong leadership for a strong middle class.

Only Canada's Conservatives will stand up for the middle class ­ — can we count on you to stand with us?

Chip in $5 today and stand up for the middle class:


Jason Kenney
MP, Calgary Southeast

Here in Italy, the current crisis has hit the middle class and the policies of the last three governments (those chaired by Mario Monti, Enrico Letta and Matteo Renzi) have not done anything.
Indeed, the government led by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has not even implemented the decrees of his predecessors.
In contrast, Canada's focus on the middle class and the government led by Prime Minister Stephen Harper has taken some measures, with a fair tax and that does not strangle businesses and households, as is the case here in Italy.
The middle class is made up of merchants, craftsmen, and a part of the employees and it is one that consumes and produces wealth, and acts as a liaison between business and the lower classes.
To this must be protected.


Qui in Italia, la crisi attuale ha colpito la classe media e le politiche degli ultimi tre Governi (quelli presieduti da Mario Monti, Enrico Letta e Matteo Renzi) non hanno fatto nulla.
Addirittura, il Governo presieduto dal Primo Ministro Matteo Renzi non ha nemmeno implementato i decreti attuativi di chi l'ha preceduto.
Al contrario, in Canada c'è attenzione verso il ceto medio ed il Governo presieduto dal Primo Ministro Stephen Harper ha preso alcuni provvedimenti, con un fisco giusto e che non strozza imprese e famiglie, come avviene qui in Italia. 
La classe media è costituita da commercianti, artigiani e una parte dei lavoratori dipendenti ed è quella che consuma e produce ricchezza e funge da trait d'union tra l'imprenditoria ed i ceti più bassi.
Per questo va tutelata.
Cordiali saluti. 

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