
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

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Il mio libro, in collaborazione con Morris Sonnino

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Il mio libro

Il mio libro

mercoledì 22 gennaio 2014

Stephen Harper e Benjamin Netayahu, insieme contro il terrorismo!

Cari amici ed amiche.

Il Conservative Party of Canada mi ha inviato questa newsletter:

The Prime Minister began his third day of his official visit to the Holy Land by meeting with the President of Israel, Shimon Peres.

Prime Minister Harper then met with his Israeli counterpart, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, for a productive expanded meeting.The two leaders emerged from their meeting to:
Witness the signing of a Strategic Partnership Understanding;
Announce Canada-Israeli cooperation on combating nuclear terrorism;
Launch negotiations to expand free trade between Canada and Israel, which will generate more jobs and economic growth in both countries.

In the afternoon, the Prime Minister visited Yad Vashem to pay tribute to the victim’s of the Holocaust, and signed: “They are remembered always, in our hearts, in our prayers and most importantly in our resolve. Never again.

Later, he and Laureen visited the Western Wall—the most sacred site of the Jewish faith. Since the destruction of the Second Temple by Rome in 70 CE, the Western Wall has been the holiest site for Jewish prayer.

The Prime Minister ended his day as the guest of honour at a dinner given by Prime Minister Netanyahu, where he made a toast to Israel: “As the people of Israel continue their inspiring walk through history, may Canada, and Canadians, be always at your side.”

Tomorrow, Prime Minister Harper will visit Capernaum and the Mount of Beatitudes on the Sea of Galilee before making a stop at the future site of the Stephen J. Harper Hula Valley Bird Sanctuary. He will end his programme in Israel by receiving an honorary doctorate at Tel Aviv University.

To view today’s photo gallery and get more information on the Prime Minister’s trip to the Middle East, check out

Stephen Harper, Primo Ministro del Canada, è proprio deciso a lavorare insieme al suo omologo Benjamin Netanyahu nella lotta contro il terrorismo nucleare, oltre a quella economica.
Quella del terrorismo nucleare, che è rappresentata dall'Iran, è una minaccia continua.
Non si può restare indifferenti di fronte a ciò.
Una cosa è certa, i Canadesi e gli Israeliani andranno insieme, in un rapporto di vera amicizia e collaborazione.
La visita del Primo Ministro Harper allo Yad Vashem e al Muro Occidentale (o Muro del Pianto) dimostra ciò.
Noi italiani che faremo?
Cordiali saluti.

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Liberiamo l'Europa dall'ideologia "Green"

Ringrazio l'amico Morris Sonnino di questa foto presa dalla pagina Facebook di Christian Ricchiuti, esponente di Fratelli d'Italia.