
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

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Il mio libro, in collaborazione con Morris Sonnino

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Il mio libro

Il mio libro

sabato 16 gennaio 2016

CPC, RE: Jaime’s email

Dear friends,

please, read this message that Dustin vun Vught (Conservative Party of Canada) has sent to me:

"Antonio Gabriele,

A couple days ago, you got an email from Jaime Girard, kicking off our ambitious 8-day “Prove Them Wrong” campaign.

>>> Have you chipped in yet? Do it now! <<<<

I support any opportunity to show off the true strength and generosity of our Conservative supporters, and so far you haven’t disappointed. In fact, we’ve already passed the $13,000 mark!

We’re on track to hit our goal, but I need you to be a part of this.Justin Trudeau’s trying to force through job-killing tax hikes and massive changes to our democracy. Help us show him that Conservatives from coast to coast aren’t letting him get away with it.

Support our ‘Prove Them Wrong’ campaign with a $50 gift today!

Thank you for your continued support,

Dustin van Vugt
Executive Director
Conservative Party of Canada

Riding the wave of emotion caused by the sight of the picture of the Kurdish child Aylan Kurdi , the Liberal Party of Canada Justin Trudeau won the election.
Now, the previous government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper had tried to control immigration.
Today, the new Prime Minister Trudeau wants to abandon this path and open the borders to any type of immigration.
In so doing, Canada is likely to expose themselves not only to the danger of terrorism but also enormous economic costs.
Immigration is a cost and we should therefore be managed.
Best regards.


Cavalcando l'onda dell'emotività causata dalla visione della foto del piccolo Aylan Kurdi, il Liberal Party of Canada di Justin Trudeau ha vinto le elezioni.
Ora, il precedente governo del premier Stephen Harper aveva cercato di controllare l'immigrazione.
Oggi, il nuovo premier Trudeau vuole abbandonare questo percorso ed aprire le frontiere ad ogni tipo di immigrazione.
Così facendo, il Canada rischia di esporsi non solo al pericolo del terrorismo ma anche a costi economici enormi.
L'immigrazione è un costo e per questo motivo va gestita.
Cordiali saluti.

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