
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

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Il mio libro, in collaborazione con Morris Sonnino

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Il mio libro

venerdì 4 dicembre 2015

Turkey, the double face of Kemalism

Dear friends,

please, read the article that I wrote some time ago and titled " Edward Luttwak, "Ankara should be expelled from NATO." ".
The article is written in English and criticizes the Kemalism in Turkey.
We think of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk (1881-1938) as a secular leader who modernized Turkey.
Now, this is only partially true.
Ataturk was indeed a secular leader but he was also a nationalist.
Everybody talks about the Armenian Genocide, which occurred between 1915 and 1916 in an Ottoman Empire now in crisis, in which the movement of the "Young Turks" (the movement of Ataturk) took power.
None talk about what happened to the Greeks.
Before 1919, in Anatolia there was a very large Greek population.
The Greeks in Anatolia (especially in Pontus) were 20% of the population.
In 1919 a war broke out between the nascent Republic of Turkey ( the republic was born from the ashes of the Ottoman Empire) and Greece.
The Greeks of Anatolia wanted to be reunited with Greece.
Already in 1916, the Greeks had this aspiration and the Turks began to create their problems.
It is estimated that between 1916 and in 1923 the Turks have killed almost 9,350,000 Greeks.
Ergo, after that of the Armenians, there was also the Genocide of the Greeks.
Later, there was an exchange of peoples.
The Pontic Greeks were forced to leave Anatolia.
People that departed from Anatolia were 1,221,849.
Many of these died of starvation and other emigrated to the USA.
This is the other side of Kemalism.
Today, turkish nationalism of Kemalism is being welded with religion.
This is a problem in relationship between the West and Turkey.

4 commenti:

  1. Very good points, just a few comments,

    Pontos was not part of the population exchange because there were no Pontians there by 1922. Between 1914 and 1919 Ponians were either killed or uprooted or forced to join islam. Also the Turks claim it to be part of the war but Pontos is some 400miles away from were the Greek troops were in 1919. No war zone existed in Pontos. Not at all.
    Also I would agree he was a modernizer but it is not the latin based alphabet and headscarves that constitute modernity. Nonetheless in Nazi Germany women were not wearing headacarves and the alphabet was latin but it was still the monstrisity it was. It is respect for human life that decides modern faith. Finally, Young Turks was the transitional authority between Ottomas and Kemal. the conduct of the genocide was completed by Kemal but the official Ottoman documents prove it has been designed during 1890s by the Empire and the manpower was organized by Young Turks. That causes the belief that Erdogan is the physical causality of Kemal.

    Hour points are very very good!
    Thanks for the writing

  2. Also in Pontos Greeks were 90% of population. That's crucial.




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