
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

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Il mio libro

Il mio libro, in collaborazione con Morris Sonnino

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

giovedì 14 giugno 2018

The Day of Stars and Stripes

I thank my friend and partner in this blog Stephanie Caracciolo of this video that pointed me.
Today, the United States of America celebrate their flag, the Stars and Stripes.
Now, one thing I admire Americans is patriotism.
For example, every American home has the Stars and Stripes at the door.
You can live in Wyoming and Texas, in California or Florida, New York or in the most remote village in Colorado but the flag flies next to every American home.
Amare its flag means to respect the memory of those who died for their country.
Now, the usual right-thinking people say that "patriotism is hatred towards others."
I would feel to respond to these figures, saying that patriotism is love of one's homeland and not hatred towards others.
Americans know a lot and this has enabled them to get up to every crisis.
This makes the difference between a great nation and a people destined to extinction.

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Questa è la giustizia...di sinistra

Ringrazio l'amico Morris Sonnino di questa foto della prima pagina del quotidiano " Libero ".