
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

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Il mio libro, in collaborazione con Morris Sonnino

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Il mio libro

Il mio libro

lunedì 10 marzo 2014

Il Conservative Party of Canada si prepara!

Cari amici ed amiche.

Dal Conservative Party of Canada mi è arrivato questo messaggio:

I'll get straight to the point.

We need to win another majority government.

It won't be easy – the road to 2015 will be difficult.

But this isn't about Stephen Harper or the Conservative Party – it's about our future.

It's about you. Your family. Your kids. Your grandkids.

The choices we make today will impact Canada's future.

The global economy remains fragile. Canada needs strong, stable leadership – or we risk losing everything we've accomplished together.

Voters are faced with a choice between Stephen Harper's strong stable leadership and Justin Trudeau's lack of judgement and experience.

The stakes have never been higher – that's why I'm asking you to take part in our "Road to 2015" campaign.

As a supporter, you've already made a generous commitment to our party.

But I'm asking you to take an extra step today – will you donate $5 to our "Road to 2015" campaign?

We're counting on you.


Dimitri Soudas
Executive Director, Conservative Party of Canada

L'anno prossimo in Canada si voterà ed il Conservative Party of Canada non vorrà mancare all'appuntamento.
Per questo, esso ha iniziato la sua campagna di fundraising.
Il Conservative Party of Canada vuole portare avanti quelle politiche che tutelano le famiglie canadesi e le attività del loro Paese.
Cordiali saluti.

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