
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

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martedì 25 marzo 2014

Grand Old Party: What they're saying

Dear friends and girlfriends.

From the Grand Old Party, I received this newsletter:

"Antonio Gabriele,

2014 can be a very good year for Republicans. Our major victories in the Florida-13 congressional election, San Diego mayoral election and New Jersey gubernatorial election evidence That elections arent just won in a day. Those victories were won Through months of hard work, and major investments in infrastructure and on the ground voter contact. The RNC is investing in cutting-edge date, innovative, ground game strategies and tactics for engaging key demographics. "There Has Been a lot of structural improvement in field staff, data, and digital That will support Republican victories this fall. "- The Daily Beast "Their investments are beginning to pay dividends." - NBC News "The party Appears to have made ​​the most tangible progress on voter turnout, where a multimillion -dollar overhaul Has Given the RNC capabilities to gather and analyze data in innovative ways It could only dream about in the 2012 election cycle. "- The Washington Examiner "They seek the disenchanted, the disengaged, the leaners, the undecided and the ambivalent. They seek to convince a wide audience That maybe they're Republicans - but just do not know it. This campaign is off to a very good start. "- The Washington Times're building to victory by making the Necessary investments and voter contact Efforts by starting earlier than ever before. The fight to win back the Senate and stop the Obama agenda is happening now, and we are winning, but we have a long way to go. Because this effort is so important, and Because of the strong results we have produced Already, for a limited time, a group of our donors have agreed to match every donation online. Donate $ 14 today to help the GOP take back the Senate-and your gift will be doubled. 
Thank you, 
Mike Shields, RNC Chief of Staff. "

Obama's America is not going to be a great success.
Just think of the foreign policy.
On the Middle East, it was ambiguous.
He pioneered the Iranian nuclear issue, putting at risk its relations with Israel.
With the "Arab Spring" in Egypt and North Africa, has led to extreme movements.
What has happened in Libya, killing Ambassador Chris Stevens in Benghazi, was the icing on the cake.
If in 2008 the Bush administration recognized the independence of Kosovo from Serbia, but there was a referendum, because Obama does not recognize the independence of the Crimea from Ukraine, although the people of that region voted this thing in a referendum?
Regarding inside, health care reform "ObamaCare" did not create protections and has only done to raise taxes and denied the right to conscientious objection of doctors with regard to abortion.
America needs a change.
A greeting.

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