
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

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Il mio libro, in collaborazione con Morris Sonnino

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

martedì 25 marzo 2014

Anti Defamation League: Protect the right to vote

Cari amici ed amiche.

Anti-Defamation League sent me this message:
"Dear Fucilone,

Take action with ADL and protect one of our most fundamental and essential rights—the right to vote.

ADL relentlessly fights for equality and vigorously defends democratic ideals.

And right now, in the United States, no issue threatens those principles more than the unjust and discriminatory attacks on voting rights.

Last year the Supreme Court struck down critical parts of the landmark Voting Rights Act, gutting one of the most important and effective civil rights laws ever passed. This action, along with new laws requiring photo IDs and other discriminatory voting restrictions, have put minorities, students, poor people and the elderly at risk of having their fundamental civil rights denied this November.

We can fix that—indeed, we must. But we need you to act now.

Click here to send your message to Congress. Tell them to protect the right to vote.

The Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2014 was introduced earlier this year to protect people's fundamental right to vote.

ADL is meeting with legislators in the halls of Congress to advance this essential bill and we're on the ground educating voters about their rights.

But we can't take on these challenges without you. Your action today can make all the difference.

Please, take action now. Tell Congress to pass the Voting Rights Amendment Act of 2014 and protect the right to vote.

I can guarantee you this: Your decision to take action with ADL today will have a deep and significant impact on those whose civil rights are most at risk this November.

They are really counting on you. We all are.

Thanks for everything you do,

Abraham H. Foxman
National Director
Anti-Defamation League

The right to vote to all citizens is sacrosanct and fundamental thing in a democracy.
When it is denied, or at least limited, democracy begins to lose strength until it is finished.
Sign this petition.
A cordial greeting to all.


Il diritto di voto per tutti i cittadini è cosa sacrosanta e fondamentale in una democrazia.
Quando esso viene negato o, quantomeno, limitato, la democrazia inizia a perdere forza fino ad esaurirsi.
Firmate questa petizione. 
Un cordiale saluto a tutti.

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Liberiamo l'Europa dall'ideologia "Green"

Ringrazio l'amico Morris Sonnino di questa foto presa dalla pagina Facebook di Christian Ricchiuti, esponente di Fratelli d'Italia.