
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

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Il mio libro

domenica 30 marzo 2014

Democrats are not interested in voting

Dear friends.
The Grand Old Party has sent me this message:

"Antonio Gabriele,

According to several news reports, Democrats are "freaking out."

A top political analyst, whom the Democrats loved in 2012, is now saying that the GOP has a 60% chance of winning the Senate in November.

Another nonpartisan political analyst reported that Democrats face a recipe for defeat in the Senate election. And a top Democrat pollster called the Republican voter contact efforts in the Florida-13 congressional election “darn effective” and warned Democrats not to underestimate us.

Just as importantly, poll after poll is showing that Democrats are unhappy with their leaders and aren’t interested in voting this year.

The odds are in our favor and momentum is on our side. As we proved in our Florida-13 victory, the voter contact effort we have underway is working. And as the stats show, we really could win big in November.

But we can’t let up—we must outraise the Democrats every month from now until November. The Democrats outraised us in February—and we can’t let it happen again.

There are only hours left until the March 31 Federal Election Commission fundraising deadline.

This March fundraising goal is so important that a group of donors has agreed to match every dollar you donate online today.

There are critical investments we must make from now until November to expand our field operation, modernize our digital and data capabilities and enhance our voter contact tools.

Momentum is on our side.

Donate before midnight on March 31 to double your impact on the mid-term elections and help the GOP take back the Senate.


Kirsten Kukowski
RNC Press Secretary".
The Democrats know that they face a debacle to the "mid term elections" in the United States of America. With Barack Hussein Obama to the White House, the United States of America are the weakest and most citizens do not have any benefit.


I Democrats sanno che rischiano una debacle alle "mid term elections" negli Stati Uniti d'America. Con Barack Hussein Obama alla Casa Bianca, gli Stati Uniti d'America sono più deboli ed i cittadini non hanno tratto alcun beneficio.
Cordiali saluti. 

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