
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

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Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro, in collaborazione con Morris Sonnino

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

domenica 7 giugno 2015

Communism? No thanks!

Dear friends,

the article of my friend and colleague Stephanie Caracciolo has received this comment from the usual troublemakers, that I often censor:

" You forget the USSR: collective removal daughter of the propaganda and the subordination of the old continent to Usa.Devi thank also, if not mainly the Communists, if fascism / Nazism was defeated.
I know you do not like, but you get over it : it is. You are a child even of communism, communism that is also entered in your Constitution .

This was my response: 

" I've already written that I question the Constitution. I respect it but I'm not son of communism! I abhor communism, both by family tradition for both personal culture. I just thank the Americans and other allies who fought against Nazism and Fascism. I do not say to the Communists just anything. "

There those who question the Holy Bible. I prefer to question the Constitution, while respecting it. The law is respected. To say that I am "son of communism" is funny. I'm not the son of communism. In fact, I abhor communism. I do not hate people (because I believe that everyone is free to think what he wants) but (excuse the expression strong) it sucks the idea of communism. The great Winston Churchill said that the Communists are reading the works of Karl Marx and anticommunist understand them. I am definitely an anti-communist. I have become reading some writings of Marx and Antonio Gramsci. In the works of Marx we see the idea of hatred that is instilled in people. For Marx, the poor man has to go against the rich , although the latter is an honest person who has earned what he has with their work. For Marx, the rich man is a thief, a pimp, a slave and a murderess and a worker, one who directs the " sturdy horse pulling a cart heavy ", private enterprise according to a metaphor of Churchill. For Marx will be the clash between employees and employers, regardless of the fact that no one else can do nothing. In addition, Karl Marx instilled hatred of religion. His poetic drama " Oulanem "was a" hymn of hatred against God . " I abhor and detest Communism as a Catholic and as a citizen who believes in the value of respect for the person. I abhor Communism also for family reasons. One of my great-uncle was killed by the communists in the Soviet Union. I ought not to say anything to the Communists! If I spent in front of a cemetery of American soldiers, British, Canadians, Australians or the Jewish Brigade that they fought against Nazis in World War II, I would pray and I would make the most of the gifts you have to give to the heroes. If I spent in front of the grave of a communist partisan, for " pietas Christiana ", I would pray for his soul. Del After all, someone like the President of the Republic Sandro Pertini was not so "pietas" in making die here in Italy an old and dying King Umberto II of Italy, although the latter had not sympathized with the Nazis and during the exile had helped many Italians in difficulty. Pertini denied this act of "pietas" for the simple fact that the dethroned king had not called him "Mr. President." Marxism is a poison for the souls and hearts. The dead who did the communists in world testify to this.

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Beatrice Venezi boicottata perché è di destra

Ringrazio l'amico Morris Sonnino di questo screenshot del Corriere della Sera.