
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

Il mio libro sul Covid

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro, in collaborazione con Morris Sonnino

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

martedì 30 giugno 2015

You in?

Dear friends,

read this message that governor Haley Barbour has sent to us, supporters of Grand Old Party:


Reince Priebus just asked me to reach out to you because the RNC is still $67,000 short of its critical end of quarter fundraising goal.

There are only a few hours left to meet this crucial deadline before midnight tomorrow.

And, Friend, we hope we can count on you to reach it.

This is a deadline we literally can't afford to miss. Let me remind you what we're facing.
We're going up against the Big Liberal Establishment that's been preparing for Hillary's coronation for more than a decade.
We're going up against the special interest-backed Clinton Machine that's going to measure Hillary's numbers against ours.
We're going up against Hillary's liberal agenda that will continue to suppress economic growth, strangle individual liberties and shrink America's standing in the world.

One thing's for sure: Democrats thrive when we're divided. So we've got to be united not only against Hillary Clinton, but also for our tried and true principles of freedom, growth and opportunity — and the ultimate goal of restoring those values to the White House.

So we need to know: are you in? It's urgent that you stand with us at this critical moment.

Confirm you're in before midnight tomorrow.

The RNC is working day in and day out to earn the trust of new and first-time voters, sharing our values and listening to your concerns. But we need you standing with us to expand our majorities at every level and win back the White House in 2016.

Contribute today to restore Republican leadership to the White House.

Many thanks,

Governor Haley Barbour

Obviously, this message is for friends who follow me from the United States of America, and they are several.
America must change leadership and Hillary Clinton is the continuity of the bad leadership of Barack Hussein Obama.
The White House must return the Republicans.
The hope is that many make a contribution out of this situation.
Best regards.


Ovviamente, questo messaggio è rivolto agli amici che mi seguono dagli Stati Uniti d'America, che e sono parecchi.
L'America deve cambiare leadership e Hillary Clinton è la continuità della pessima leadership di Barack Hussein Obama.
Alla Casa Bianca debbono tornare i Repubblicani.
L'auspicio è che tanti diano un contributo per uscire da questa situazione.
Cordiali saluti. 

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