
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

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Il mio libro

Il mio libro, in collaborazione con Morris Sonnino

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

giovedì 30 novembre 2017

Please, help two sick children here in Italy and we have to do reserch on rare diseases

I resume the speech made yesterday about Riccardo and Leonardo, the two resident children here in Italy, in Roncoferraro, in the province of Mantova.

For them, there is a fundraising campaign and it is open.
An account has been opened at the bank branch Roncoferraro Cariparma , just to help the children.
Everyone will make their donations.
The IBAN is IT40H0623057890000040389670. The purpose is "Progetto Diamoci una Mano."
Anyone who wants to make a donation and help the kids, can make a donation to that account.
To learn more, please read Facebook page " Diamoci una Mano ."
Announcement that  Comitato Manifestazioni Roncoferraro  (to which I belong and I am deputy secretary) is moving, with a fundraising campaign that will be there for Epiphany we will be on January 6, when there will be the traditional "Burning of the Old", in italian "Rogo della Vecchia", in mantuan dialect "Rogo dla Vecia".

However, my hope is that you not only help the two sick children who live here in Italy, but there is also a lot of scientific research.
I know that countries like US and Israel do much research about diseases such as SMA, spinal muscular atrophy, that one of the two children suffer.

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Liberiamo l'Europa dall'ideologia "Green"

Ringrazio l'amico Morris Sonnino di questa foto presa dalla pagina Facebook di Christian Ricchiuti, esponente di Fratelli d'Italia.