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lunedì 20 agosto 2012

Dal sito, Anti-Semitic Peruvian leader: Spanish conqueror was a Jew

Cari amici ed amiche.

Sul Sito "" è comparso questo articolo allucinante scritto in inglese che è intitolato "Anti-Semitic Peruvian leader: Spanish conqueror was a Jew":

"A leader of a far-right political group in Peru said he would like to expel the country's small Jewish community because "they control the global economy."

In an interview with British newspaper The Guardian, Martín Quispe Mayta, the leader of the Andean Peru National Socialism movement – which is currently trying to collect enough signatures to register as a party – claimed a research he conducted found that Winston Churchill, Theodore Roosevelt, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, and Abimael Guzmán, the leader of Peru's Shining Path terror group, all had Jewish roots.

Report: Rise in global anti-Semitism / Yitzhak Benhorin

US State Department report on international religious freedoms sees rising tide of anti-Semitism throughout globe. Adds Israel has not improved, deteriorated in protecting rights
Full story

Mayta further claimed that Francisco Pizarro – the leader of Spain's brutal conquest of Peru – was also Jewish.

"The Jew Pizarro and his band of genocidal Jews killed millions of native Peruvians in their mission to possess our gold," he told The Guardian.

Maytam, who is a self-proclaimed Adolf Hitler fan, said he drew his inspiration from
Henry Ford's anti-Semitic book The International Jew and Hitler's Mein Kampf, which he picked up at a secondhand book market.

Less than 5,000 Jews live in Peru – a country with a population of some 30 million people.
The Jewish Association of Peru said in a statement to the paper that it rejected Maytam's "open expression of anti-Semitic racism" and had "appealed to authorities to take the necessary measures to halt the incitement to racial and religious hatred".".

Al peggio non c'è mai fine!
Siamo nel 2012 eppure c'è ancora della gentaglia che sostiene queste idee terribili!
Ricordate che la Germania di Hitler uccise 6.000.000 di ebrei.
L'Unione Sovietica di Stalin fece altrettanto!
Sugli ebrei furono fatte congetture che la storia smentì!
Eppure, ci sono ancora tanti idioti che credono ad esse!
Certe teorie non dovrebbero avere più nessuna cittadinanza nella cultura umana.
Cordiali saluti. 

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Ha fatto danni ma pontifica!

Ringrazio un caro amico di questa foto di Giuseppe Salamone.