
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

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Il mio libro

Il mio libro, in collaborazione con Morris Sonnino

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

venerdì 12 dicembre 2014

Our Lady of Guadalupe and Giampilieri, two cases that have much in common

Dear friends,

today we celebrate Our ​​Lady of Guadalupe.

In 1531, the Virgin Mary appeared to Juan Diego all'azteco converted to Catholicism Cuauhtlatoatzin. In October 21, 1989, in the village of Giampilieri, a suburb of Messina (Sicily), an image of Christ that was in the house of the family Micali (where still is) started to bleed.
They began to be other similar incidents, like bleeding of various statues of the Madonna and other images of saints and a statue of the Child Jesus that move.
Ms. Pina Micali became a seer to which Our Lady appears .
Even today, the Madonna Giampilieri bleeds.

Just yesterday, there was another similar incident.
Yesterday, in TV shows with Barbara D'Urso "Pomeriggio 5," Pina said the Virgin Mary said that you must pray.
These two episodes we must do reflect.
Both were manifested in two difficult moments for Christianity.
In 1531, in Europe, there was the Protestant Reformation, which began even against the cult of the Virgin Mary, as well as against the Church.
In 1531, among others, King Henry VIII of England was pushing for a divorce from his wife, Catherine of Aragon, putting pressure on the episcopate English.
In addition, with the apparition, Our Lady anointed him the peoples of the Spanish language and Mexico, Mexico experienced a crisis in the nineteenth century when anti-Catholic government persecuted the Church.
Our Lady of Giampilieri began to manifest itself in 1989, when the Berlin Wall fell.
The fall of the Berlin Wall led ensure the freedom of peoples the Eastern European countries but also determined the path of relativism in that society that for too long was kept away from God.
Countries like the Czech Republic sees an atheism that exceeds 30% of the population.
In practice, communism managed to destroy the religious fabric of the people.
Our Lady invites us to pray even in this dark age.
Perhaps, the true rebellion today lies in believing in God.

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AstraZeneca ha ritirato il suo vaccino anti-Covid

Ringrazio l'amico Morris Sonnino di questo screemshot de "Il Corriere della Sera".