
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

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Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro, in collaborazione con Morris Sonnino

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

mercoledì 31 dicembre 2014

Happy 2015 to all!

Dear friends,

to those who follow me from Australia and New Zealand, I wish you a happy new year that has already begun.

To others, I wish you a happy new year that is to come.
Now, I talk a little 'of this year 2014 that is about to end.
Certainly, this has been a difficult year.
Here in Italy the crisis hit very strong and so many people are remained without work.
Who gets to put the year-end, pray for those who have lost their jobs and for entrepreneurs who have failed.
This year has been difficult for the international crisis, the Ukrainian crisis to that of the Middle East , in which terrorists have sown death and destruction.
We also pray for persecuted Christians and to all those who have suffered violence.
We also pray for Israel, the only civilized country in the Middle East, which is under constant threat.
Now, I speak a bit 'of my 2014.
As far as I'm concerned, 2014 was a strange year.
I worked and this was positive.
Unfortunately, the work was a short-term contract.
At this point, if you do not find a new job here in the area, I'd be willing even to go away from Roncoferraro and do not rule out going abroad.
Already I'm looking around.
By now, here in Italy has created a vicious system in which you are entering immigrants from every where you give them everything while young Italians are neglected and they go from Italy.
Some time ago, I talked to guy at the banquet of the Northern League, here in Roncoferraro.
This guy told me to love his country and that would not be willing to leave.
I think in a way a little different.
I also love my country but if I have no future in my land I shall go.
I love my country but if I see myself in my land overtaken by an illegal immigrant who arrives at the last minute, I'm leaving.
As I think in many.
One good thing there was, I started to earn money with this blog.
In fact, for some time I did put advertising on this blog, by clicking the banner on which you can earn.
Now, my aspiration is to enter the world of communication, such as professional blogger or as a collaborator in some networks.
Of course, it is not easy and in this regard I thank my collaborators, in particular her friend Stephanie Caracciolo Arriera Tamagno and Morris Sonnino that can write on this blog, in addition to those (like Angelo Fazio) gives me the material.
This has increased the offer of this blog.
The work of Stephanie, in particular, was huge.
I must say that the response of my articles was generally positive.
Of course, there have been misunderstandings or interpretations not positive, even here in Roncoferraro.
You know, I love the reality of Roncoferraro but often come seen as hypercritical.
A gentleman I had met at a party in Villimpenta had defined Roncoferraro a country of fascists and communists.
So, I consider myself a "heterodox roncoferrarese", because I am not fascist or communist, but I am right, pro-American, conservative Catholic and Zionist.
Humour aside (although I'm really so), we say that my "heterodox  roncoferrarese character" is due not only to a fact family but also a matter of personal history.
Think about the fact that the Most of my friends (real and not virtual) is not of Roncoferraro.
Perhaps, this leads me to look at things around me in a different way.
The research I do on things historical territory or on food are examples of this because they seem more those of a tourist or a researcher not those of a resident in the area.
All this does not mean that I do not love him in Roncoferraro.
In fact, I try to give my contribution to bring something good to my reality.
Just think to my collaboration with the "Comitato Manifestazioni Roncoferraro "collaboration already very profitable.
However, nuff said: I wish you all good year.
Kind regards.

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Liberiamo l'Europa dall'ideologia "Green"

Ringrazio l'amico Morris Sonnino di questa foto presa dalla pagina Facebook di Christian Ricchiuti, esponente di Fratelli d'Italia.