
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

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mercoledì 19 agosto 2015

The Phlegraean Fields are going to explode?

Dear friends,

read the article in the italian newspaper "Libero" that is titled " Science, the satellite photos of the Phlegraean Fields: the impressive lake of magma just under the surface ", 
The photo above was taken from the satellite and shows the area near Naples.
At the height of Pozzuoli you see a purple area.
That area indicates the presence of a lake of magma close to the surface.
At a depth of just three kilometers it has It created a real lake of 2-3 km in radius, with the earth raised approximately 10 cm in the last 3 years. All this because the magma is pushing to rise to the surface.
As also noted the newspaper "La Repubblica", in the last ten years, the land has risen by about 10 centimeters.
That area is called Phlegraean Fields (Campi Flegrei, in italian).
The Campi Flegrei are a real supervolcano dating back to 42,000 years ago.
In that area there are now demonstrations of secondary volcanism, as bradyseisms, sulphurous and mofettes.
I mention, for example, the Cave of the Dog (Grotta del Cane, in italian), a cave full of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) which is now closed to tourists.
Now, it seems that this supervolcano is being quiet and it can erupt.
In case of eruption there would be serious problems, because the area is populated.
Furthermore, eruptions of supervolcanoes are always very violent (for example) can change the climate.
For example, the Yellowstone Park is an extended supervolcano.
If that were to erupt there would be a cataclysm.
For example, the ash in the air would obscure the sun, with serious effects on the whole world.
One must be careful.

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