
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

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Il mio libro

martedì 9 dicembre 2014

CPC, Dustin Van Vugt: "Don’t let it sneak up on you!"

Dear friends,

please, read this message that Dustin Van Vugt (Executive Director of Conservative Party of Canada) has sent to us, supporters od his party:
"Antonio Gabriele,

I have two young boys – George and Jack – and last night I took them to Parliament Hill to see the Christmas lights.

Seeing Parliament all lit up and decorated reminded me just how quickly the holidays are approaching -- and I don’t know about you, but I’ve barely started my Christmas shopping.

Like most Canadians, I’ll be busy spending time with family and friends this month. I’ll also be hard at work, right down to the last minute, finding just the right gift for everyone on my list.

I know there are a lot of demands on your time and on your budget at this time of the year. But as Executive Director of the Party, I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t ask you to think about putting a small contribution to the Conservative Party on your gift list, too!

Since the holiday season is always so busy, we’ve even made it easy for you – just click here to donate.

So this year, you don’t have to leave it for the last minute – Your gift of $10 means you’ll be sure to get your 2014 tax credit (for up to $7.50) before the deadline.

Thank you,

Dustin van Vugt
Executive Director
Conservative Party of Canada"

I understand these young people.
I, too, here in Italy, I devote time to family and friends this Christmas.
Now, Italy has a different situation from that of Canada.
The article I wrote, entitled "Istat" Calano immigrants, increase emigrants " "gives an insight.
As an Italian living in Italy and who is unemployed, I know the problem.
We Italians pay the price that it never changed anything and have given priority to the particular interest at the expense of the general.
We here in Italy we pay the price of the fact that we have allowed the State to do things he did not even competed, going in the opposite direction from the one that took the Canada led by Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
Here in Italy, parties are falling apart and people are less and less interested in them because they got used to the old politics of public funding to them.
In Canada, parties are funded voluntarily by citizens.
This makes citizens participate in the life of their parties.
So, you do so many donations to the Conservative Party of Canada, the party that now governs Canada and that I hope will carry on the program of modernization of the country and that has a foreign policy authority, which also friendship with the State of Israel.
If I were Canadian, I'd give my contribution.
Best regards.


Io capisco questi giovani.
Anch'io, qui in Italia, dedico tempo a famiglia ed amici, in questo Natale.
Ora, l'Italia ha una situazione diversa da quella del Canada.
L'articolo da me scritto ed intitolato "Istat: "Calano gli immigrati, aumentano gli emigrati"" ne dà uno spaccato.
Da italiano che vive in Italia e che è disoccupato, io conosco il problema. 
Noi italiani paghiamo il prezzo di non avere mai cambiato nulla e di avere dato la precedenza all'interesse particolare a scapito di quello generale.
Noi qui in Italia paghiamo il prezzo anche del fatto che si sia permesso allo Stato di fare anche cose che non gli competevano, andando nella direzione opposta rispetto a quella che ha preso il Canada guidato dal premier Stephen Harper.
Qui in Italia, i partiti stanno andando a rotoli e la gente si interessa sempre meno a loro perché abituata alla vecchia politica del finanziamento pubblico ad essi.
In Canada, i partiti sono finanziati volontariamente dai cittadini.
Questo rende i cittadini partecipi nella vita dei loro partiti.
Quindi, si facciano tante donazioni al Conservative Party of Canada, il partito che oggi governa il Canada e che mi auguro possa portare avanti il programma di modernizzazione di quel Paese e che ha una politica estera autorevole, che contempla anche l'amicizia con lo Stato di Israele.
Se io fossi canadese, darei anch'io il mio contributo.
Cordiali saluti.

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