
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

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Il mio libro

Il mio libro, in collaborazione con Morris Sonnino

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

mercoledì 29 luglio 2015

These things can not be accepted!

Dear friends,

on the Facebook page of Father Gabriel Naddaf appeared this article:

" PLEASE SHARE (Ruth & Tal)

Despite all the historical evidence of thousands of years, the Palestinian Authority is claiming that the "Temple never existed" and that Israel is creating a false Jewish history by "Judaizing" Jerusalem. In a series of recent provocative messages, they continue to refer to the Jewish Temple as the "alleged Temple" and they claim that the Palestinians predated the Jews in Jerusalem by centuries. As Father Gabriel says, this is an illogical denial of reality, as Jerusalem was the capital of the Jewish people thousands of years before Islam even existed. It was also holy to the Christians for over 600 years before the Arabs even came to the city. This is a well-documented era of history and there are no historical reference to any other significant group of people other than the Jewish and Christians of that time. Furthermore, Jerusalem is not mentioned, not even once, in the Koran, and before Arabs started to have national aspirations in the area, it was of no political significance to Islam either.

Jerusalem is and forever will be the capital of Israel. It will recognize and respect all religions and denominations who seek its peace. But, those who try to erase its history and murder its people by constant incitement to violence and terrorism, must know that Israel has a duty to stop them.

The history of Jerusalem shows its true identity. No amount of propaganda in the world can change that. The Bible, which precedes all other religious texts, states that it is Jewish and history itself proves that it is Jewish. That can never be erased

This can not be accepted.
Getting to falsify history is an act of cowardice typical of criminal regimes, such as Nazi and Communist.
Among the Palestinians there are those who say that the Temple of Jerusalem Ever Lived.
This thing is illogical, bizarre and insane.
The story says that the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem there was.
The archaeological evidence they say.
The story will punish this scum that comes to support these abominable theses.
The good Lord is merciful but It is also a just God.


Questo non può essere accettato.

Arrivare a falsificare la storia è un atto di vigliaccheria tipico di regimi criminali, come quello nazista e quello comunista.
Tra i Palestinesi vi sono coloro che dicono che il Tempio di Gerusalemme non sia mai esistito.
Questa cosa è illogica, cervellotica e demenziale.
La storia dice che il Tempio ebraico di Gerusalemme ci fu.
Le prove archeologiche lo dicono.
La storia punirà questa gentaglia che arriva a sostenere tesi quantomeno abominevoli.
Il buon Dio è misericordioso ma è anche un Dio giusto.
Cordiali saluti.

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Liberiamo l'Europa dall'ideologia "Green"

Ringrazio l'amico Morris Sonnino di questa foto presa dalla pagina Facebook di Christian Ricchiuti, esponente di Fratelli d'Italia.