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sabato 31 maggio 2014

The Conservative Party of Canada: CBC

Dear friends,

the Conservative Party of Canada sent me this message:


Did you know the CBC tried to prevent the Conservative Party from writing and emailing Canadians about CBC bias?

They don't want Canadians to know how they're spending the $1 billion in taxpayer money they're getting every year.

The CBC chairman attacks all Conservatives in a letter to the Prime Minister, saying our letters and emails are “unfounded” and “disparaged" the CBC. They feel that you don’t have the right to be informed of their bias against our Party and our cause.

We refused to be strong-armed by the CBC boss and ignored their letter.

This isn’t the first time that the CBC has shown their disapproval of Conservatives and our views. Do you remember when a CBC reporter was caught helping the Liberals? Or the time that the CBC used a pollster who advised the Liberal Party to start a “culture war”?

Let me be clear — the CBC cannot dictate what we as Conservatives can say or do.

When the CBC is being biased against our party in their "news" coverage, we will never hesitate to inform Canadians.

We will continue insisting the CBC focus on providing value for taxpayers.

Our commitment as a government is to stand up for you – not for those Ottawa media elites who think they know what's best for Canadians.

Help us stand up against these attacks and donate $5 today.


Fred DeLorey
Director, Political Operations
Conservative Party of Canada

P.S. If you wish to complain to the CBC about their media bias, you can file your complaint here:".

In Canada, there are certain mass media, which tend to make policy. This is not good for democracy, if it is to be part of the public broadcaster.


Anche in Canada vi sono certi mass media che tendono a fare politica.
Questo non è bene per la democrazia, se ad essere di parte è l'emittente pubblica.
Cordiali saluti.

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