
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

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mercoledì 1 ottobre 2014

Last chance, fundraising for Grand Old Party and Conservative Party of Canada

Dear friend,

please, read this message that Irving Gerstein (Conservative Party of Canada) has sent to me:


I don't write you often, but this is important.

I'll keep it short– we've had one of the best Q3 quarter ends in our history.

Let’s send a message to the NDP and the Liberals that Conservatives across Canada have the most enthusiastic grassroots supporters in Canada.

Our deadline is 11:59pm tonight.

This is your last chance to help us this quarter.

Donate $5 today and be a part of this historic campaign.


Irving Gerstein, C.M., O.Ont.
Chair, Conservative Fund Canada".

Now, I also suggest you to read this message that Reince Priebus (Grand Old Party) has sent to me:

"Antonio Gabriele,
In the last 24 hours, our supporters have pushed us SO close to shattering our September online fundraising goal.
But there are no days left — only hours.
At midnight tonight, our final Matching Challenge of the 2014 national Senate election ends. At midnight, your contribution will NOT be automatically worth double and your impact on this election will NOT be maximized.
The hours left from now until midnight tonight are critical for this historic election and the future of our country.
We need 3,062 donations by midnight tonight to
STOP President Obama and earn Republican victories.
This is your final chance, so we’ve made it easy to donate tonight:
While you still have the chance, make sure you maximize your 2014 gift to the GOP and help us meet our end of month fundraising goals.
Contribute TONIGHT.

Contribute Now
Your Gift Doubled

As you know, even if they are Italian and resident here in Italy, I am a supporter of the Grand Old Party and the Conservative Party of Canada, as well as the Liberal Party of Australia .
I appeal to friends of the United States of America and Canada: do you hold (respectively) the Grand Old Party and the Conservative Party of Canada , for the elections that will be in their respective countries.
Canada and the United States of America are two great countries.
Especially at this time, these two great countries are in need of conservative policies.
Canada already has a Conservative Prime Minister, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who works excellently.
Canadians say hold on tight Prime Minister Harper.
The United States of America, unfortunately, have a Democratic president, Barack Hussein Obama, who is doing damage.
Foreign policy is ambiguous.
It is not known whether it is on our side or on the side of Islamic fundamentalists.
Furthermore, with regard to the Ukrainian crisis, Obama could handle it with Russian President Vladimir Putin, rather than turn against him.
In addition to that, the "Health Care Reform ObamaCare" will raise taxes and will not give the best services.
In November, Americans will have the opportunity to "cripple" (politically speaking) Barack Hussein Obama, winning the Republicans in Congress.
Americans say let the Republicans win!
If I was not unemployed, I'd do a substantial donation to these two major parties.
I hope I have helped them with this article.
Best regards.


Com'è noto, anche se sono italiano e residente qui in Italia, io sono un sostenitore del Grand Old Party e del Conservative Party of Canada, oltre che del Liberal Party of Australia.
Mi rivolgo agli amici degli Stati Uniti d'America e del Canada: sostenete (rispettivamente) il Grand Old Party ed il Conservative Party of Canada, per le elezioni che ci saranno nei rispettivi Paesi.
Canada e Stati Uniti d'America sono due grandissimi Paesi.
Specialmente in questo momento, questi due grandi Paesi hanno bisogno di politiche conservatrici.
Il Canada ha già un premier conservatore, il Primo Ministro Stephen Harper, che lavora ottimamente.
Ai Canadesi dico: tenetevi stretto il Primo Ministro Harper.
Gli Stati Uniti d'America, purtroppo, hanno un presidente democratico, Barack Hussein Obama, che sta facendo danni.
La politica estera è ambigua.
Non si sa se sia dalla nostra parte o dalla parte dei fondamentalisti islamici.
Inoltre, riguardo alla crisi ucraina, Obama avrebbe potuto gestire la cosa con il presidente russo Vladimir Putin, anziché mettersi contro di lui.
Oltre a ciò, la "riforma sanitaria ObamaCare" farà salire le tasse e non darà migliori servizi.
A novembre, gli Americani avranno l'occasione di "azzoppare" (politicamente parlando) Barack Hussein Obama, facendo vincere i repubblicani nel Congresso.
Agli Americani dico: fate vincere i repubblicani!
Se non fossi disoccupato, anch'io farei una donazione cospicua a questi due grandi partiti.
Spero di averli aiutati con questo articolo.
Cordiali saluti. 

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