
Una voce libera per tutti. Sono Antonio Gabriele Fucilone e ho deciso di creare questo blog per essere fuori dal coro.

Il mio libro sul Covid

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Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro, in collaborazione con Morris Sonnino

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

Il mio libro

domenica 31 gennaio 2016

Il ddl Cirinnà è contro la Costituzione

Cari amici ed amiche,

ringrazio l'amico Vito Schepisi che mi ha inoltrato questo post della sua pagina di Facebook:

Family Day, ecco il video

Cari amici ed amiche,

ringrazio l'amica Francesca Padovese che mi ha portato all'attenzione il video su Youtube del "Family Day".

Open letter to American people by an Italian

Dear friends, 

this time, I address those who read me from United States of America.

United States of America, over here it says it all.
In fact, there are a lot of stereotypes.
For example, when speaking of the United States of America, speaking of apple pie placed on window sills, speaking of flags stars and stripes in front of houses and dollars.
Sometimes, they also use derogatory tones.
Here in Italy, as in many parts of Europe, there is a strong current of anti-American thought, a legacy of ideas from socialism or from Nazi-Fascism.
For example, you say that you are a nation of bigots and people ready to go to war for any occasion.
Of you it is also said that you are the Freemasons Zionists in the name of some regurgitation Semitic.
Now, I say it now, I remember that Zionism is a good thing, given what the Jews suffered.
In fact, so many people did not understand anything of you.
You are a people that was formed with Christianity.
Let us remember the Pilgrims They were in the American lands in 1620 on the ship "Mayflower", an Italian ship.
Remember realists Anglicans and Roman Catholics from Britain and Ireland who came to the land during the period of Oliver Cromwell (1649-1658).
Let us also remember the Quakers and other Christian minorities persecuted in their homelands.
Your country was formed with Christianity.
Even you came the Enlightenment, but it never put into question the existence of God, which instead came here.
You knew to be Christians and secular at the same time.
If you knew to reconcile the idea of individual rights with that of the family and the sacred values ​​such as the defense of the sanctity of life.
Unlike us, you knew not the idea of  institutionalized atheism. Please do not deny your values! 
Do not make our mistakes. Europe, in fact, was the home institutionalized atheism and relativism. The bad things you saw. When people away from God and common sense, the monsters come. Here in Europe there were the horrorible things of nazism and communism. In your secularism, you do not disowned God. 
Your dollar bears the inscription "In God We Trust".
Two main landmarks of your country are the National Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul (who is Episcopal Anglican) and the Roman Catholic Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception , which are located in Washington. 
Americans, for God's sake, do not lose your values. Defend what you are and your values. 
God bless America. 

Lettera aperta agli americani da un italiano

Cari amici ed amiche,

questa volta, io mi rivolgo a coloro che mi leggono dagli Stati Uniti d'America.

Nazismo e comunismo sono le ideologie dell'odio

Cari amici ed amiche,

leggete l'articolo del blog "Ribellione Nazionale" che è intitolato "Il razzismo di Engels".

Si tenga conto anche di questa piazza

Cari amici ed amiche.

la settimana scorsa, la presidentessa della Camera dei Deputati Laura Boldrini aveva detto che bisognava tenere conto delle piazze in cui si era manifestato per il ddl Cirinnà.

Ha ragione l'arcivescovo di Campobasso

Cari amici ed amiche,

sottoscrivo quanto detto dall'arcivescovo di Campobasso-Bojano, Sua Eccellenza monsignor Giancarlo Maria Bregantini, che ha strigliato i suoi colleghi che ieri non hanno partecipato al "Family Day".


L'amnesia di Bonaccini

Ringrazio l'amico Morris Sonnino di questa foto presa dal quotidiano "Libero".